Sunday, July 19, 2009


                                 WHEN THE DANCING STOPS

                                       (WHAT NEXT?)

Every human being on the face of the earth must ask this question before it is too late. 

There are three things that are important in this world:-

(1) God wants us to celebrate

(2) He wants us to be celebrated

(3) He wants us to celebrate others.

That is the reason for us to dance every time. But  we must be careful when some people are playing the rhythm  for us (which means when we are being celebrated).

The death of a world renown music icon that happened recently calls for a deep thought. I couldn't imagine in my widest thought that such a young man could have died with so much pain, bankrupt, and frustrated. Beloved there are so many people in isolation and sorrow in the midst of great celebration and dance of fame. They are already caught up with the tune of rhythm being play them. That is why the scripture says "Remember thy creator in the days of thy youth" (Ecclesiastes 12:1)

I remember one of my birthday parties. It was a great celebration for me, I had a lot of people around me, we were dancing, eating and drinking at the same time and I thought this will continue forever. My friends and family where around me from morning till late in the night. As a young man, I thought they will not be leaving, but suddenly later in the night I found myself lonely on my bed, then I understood that every man is accountable and responsible for his or her life decisions.

Friend, the dance is going to stop one day; don't be overwhelmed by the praises of men, don't be overtaken by your little achievements, don't be carried away by those who are celebrating your success. It may lead to destruction and total collapse of your dignity. Many icons, great men of God, celebrities, successful businessmen, enigma personalities have been cut off by it.

Now let us look at this story in the scripture:

"A certain man had two sons, and the younger of them said to his father, father, give me the portion of your goods that falleth to me. And he divided unto them his living. And not many days after, the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into the far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living" And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land and he began to be in want" (Luke 15:11-14 kJV)

This is a practical life of a young man, which also is very relevant to the things that is happening in our world today. He took the portion of his own wealth from his father and then went partying with friends and deceivers. He never knew the dance will stop. He bought expensive houses, clothes, shoes, cars and exotic jewelries for himself and others, in order to be able to show the class he was made of. He daily spent beyond his limited resources until suddenly he discovered that he had an huge debt to pay. Then he became frustrated and sorrowful, his life deteriorated to an extent that he ate swine food.

"And he went and joined himself to a citizen of that county and he sent him unto his field to feed swine". "And he would pain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat and no man gave to him".

His friends deserted him, including those who were singing praises of him - until suddenly he asked himself, "what next before total collapse and death"? If you are in this situation, I want to give you a tip of the next steps you must take:

(1) You must return to your God in a genuine repentance

(2) Let Him give you an instruction on the step you must take

(3) Get counsel from men of integrity and honest report

(4) Decide not to be moved by the praises of people around you

(5) Be upright and weigh your decision carefully

(6) Don't be in the midst of those who are interested in your money and their own gain only

(7) Seek spiritual help from genuine men of God that are tested in their integrity and walk with God

(8) Don't spend beyond your financial limit

(9) Don't try to impress others in all your dealings

(10) Evaluate daily what you do and be conscious of what you sow

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Peace of God

Peace is very vital to every human being on the face of the earth. A life that is defied of peace is a life that is ridden with crisis and troubles of life. That is why the word of the Lord says that we should seek peace and pursue it. (Ps 34:14) If you look around the world today, you will see that everyone desires to live in peace even so much money is being spent by the world leaders on making efforts towards having peace all over the world but yet the world is still far from knowing peace. Peace is not automatic, it is made. For a child of God, it is a heritage to live a peaceful life because the Lord God has made the provision through the Lord Jesus Christ for as many as will walk in His way. (Jn. 14:27)

Everyone desires to live in peace but many people misconstrue what it means to have peace. To some people, having much money to spend at one’s whims and caprices is to have peace as they think that deliverance from financial challenges will bring peace. To some other school of thought, peace means to be in possession of power to rule the whole world or nations.  But according to the Lord Jesus Christ, the peace of God is not as the world giveth, that is, it is not according to the dictates of worldly definitions. The first thing that we have to know in seeking for peace is that genuine peace could only come from God. (I Cor. 1:3)  Therefore, if you have not identified with the living God, you are not in a position to seek rightly for peace and it will remain ever elusive.  If you are not in Christ you cannot have peace and it takes you as an individual to make that choice to be with God. Many people are out there they have the opportunity of hearing the gospel everyday and yet they have not changed, they have not given their life to Christ, and when you ask them do you want to live in peace? Do you want peace to reign in your home?  They will say yes but yet they are not getting on the right track to get their heart desire fulfilled.

Knowing God gives the right direction towards the pursuance of peace.  Believers must know that peace is not automatic and that is why it has to be pursued according to the Psalmist.  Although the provision has been made by the Lord Jesus Christ, you must consciously seek for peace relying on the help of the Holy Spirit. To start with, a believer must be ready to go through the exercise of weeding and planting.  In the study of agriculture, weeding is all about removing things that will not make crops to grow properly so it is required that to cultivate a land for farming, you have to weed first, if you don’t weed and you planted crops, at the end of the day you will have the growing crops get choked up by weeds. The result is poor harvest or no harvest at all.   Likewise you must see yourself as a piece of land that has to be cultivated following the due process of weeding and planting if you must experience peace.  Before coming to Christ you must have naturally had a lot of earthly man’s antecedents stored up inside of you which are at variance with Christ nature and it is therefore necessary for you to weed out all the ones that are not Christ-like for you to be able to live your life to the ultimate in the Lord Jesus Christ.  What are such things that are to be weeded out? Hatred, suspicion and fear must be done away with. (Gal. 5:19-21). Those must be replaced by planting love, joy, understanding, patience and mercy knowing that the kingdom of God is all about righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. (Rm. 14:17 – 19).

Furthermore, all the parts of you must be in harmony if you must experience peace i.e. your soul, spirit and body must be in consonance with one another.  In other words, your outward self must be in harmony with your inner self (Matt 23:1-5).  A hypocrite cannot have the peace of God.  You must live what you profess.  If you are not the same outwardly as you are inwardly, then there is a serious battle between your inner man and your outer self because you are trying to be two different persons.  Christianity is not a practice of pretence but of sincerity.  If your inner life and your outer life are at variance then you are living a life of pretence and you cannot have peace of mind and peace in your soul. (Mk. 3:25) You have to live the same life everywhere if you must lay claim to the peace of God as your heritage in the Lord.  

You must be forward looking in your quest for peace.  When you dwell on the past, then you are bound to get bogged down with distress, unhappiness, frustration and confusion. To live in the past is to live a life of defeat and definitely peace will be far from you. Do away with past guilt (Heb. 8:12).  Look forward to a bright future and let your thought dwell on positive dreams.  In addition, avoid indecision; take a clear stand for Christ. There is an inner peace that fills one who completely decides for God. You cannot serve two masters. (Matt. 6:24).

On a final note, always remember that God’s peace passes all understanding.  When you cannot understand, when you cannot see, there remains an inner peace of mind and a peace of soul that no outer conflict can shake or disturb.  (Phil. 4:7). Strive to maintain constant relationship with God who is the giver of peace and put your trust in Him.  (Is. 26:3)  Learn to depend absolutely on the Holy Spirit to enjoy the peace of God because He is your teacher and He will teach you all things.  (Jn. 14:26)

Remain blessed.

Pastor Bunmi AJAYI

Wednesday, July 8, 2009



Have you ever woke up under an intense pressure and a very difficult atmosphere?
if that is what you are going through, i have a good news for you; our God is awesome and he is a very help in times of need ( Ps 46: 1). Even though you are passing through fire it will not hurt you.

I like to continue from where i stopped on the message the lord gave me about the perilous times.

Let read this together in the living bible version, ( 2Tim 3: 3 -- 4 )

''They will be hard headed and never give into others, they will be constant liars and trouble makers and think nothing but immorality.They will be rough and cruel and sneer at those who try to be good. They will betray their friends, they will be hot headed, puffed up with pride and prefer good times to the worship God. They will go to church, but they won't really believe anything they hear, Don't be taken in by people like that''.

we are already seeing the fulfillment of this prophecy in our times; therefore examine yourself because many giant of faith have been trapped.
The lord ask me to remind you that you were not born when this prophecy was written, but the manifestation are very clear to us. Today the world is under a siege of lying spirit, immorality, cruel and betrayer of friendship. Men that are arrogant and full of themselves, people who goes to church when the blessing and miracles are flowing in their life, and stop when things are not going well and give excuses.
Some are just going, there lives have not been transform through the word they hear, because they don't believe in it, they were just fulfilling all righteousness of attendance.

Beloved the essence of being born again is not how vast you are in speaking the language of heaven or your ability to quote many bible passage, but the practical life style that exhibit a thorough discipline and integrity . Sincerely i believe no one should claim holier than thou attitude , but change is imperative, if we must touch and purge our society and nation.
You must arise and make that change now.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Ask ye of the lord rain in the time of the latter rain; so the lord shall make bright clouds of rain to every one grass in the field.

For the idols have spoken vanity and the diviners have seen a lie, and they told a false dream; they comfort in vain: therefore they went there way as flock they were troubled because there was no shepherd. (Zech 10 vs. 1)

There is no doubt that we are in the last days, every occurrence is revealing to us that the scripture is being fulfilled, likewise the deception of the enemy has caught up with the elect of God, many people feet have slip off the faith to an extent that they have given themselves to idols, falsehood, diviners. –

Since the so called shepherd have not even given themselves to the ministration of the word and prayer, the sheep are troubled, because they no longer enjoy the peace of God. Although it seems everything is going well in the physical, but their hands have been soiled in iniquity.


When I look deep into events that surround us, I see in the spirit a state of spiritual decay ness and total drought ness.


It is obvious that revelation of God’s word is very scarce and there are no more giant in the faith to weep before the altar. Every body is busy building their own kingdom, the anointing is no longer fresh, the fire has quench.

What we see and hear is human driven ambitions, not God purpose driven vision.

Many years ago I warn about the consequence of bringing the ambition of men in place of the vision of God, today it has breed desperation and greed for wealth and materialism rather than Godliness, good character and deeper fellowship with God.



Deut. 11 vs 13 – 17:


And it shall be that if you earnestly obey my commandment, which I command you today, to love the lord your God and serve him with all your heart and with all your soul,

Then I will give you rain for your land in it season, the early rain and the later rain, that you may gather in your grain, your new wine and your oil.

And I will send grass in your fields for your livestock, that you may eat and be filled.

Take heed to yourselves, least your heart be deceived, and you turn aside and serve other gods and worship them.

Least the lord’s anger be aroused against you, and he shut up the heaven so that there be no rain, and the land yield no produce, and you perish quickly from the good land which the lord is giving you.



Friends, there is no man that have sound relationship with God in the scripture that was not blessed. People like Abraham, Isaac, Daniel walk with God and became mighty in the land, in fact Daniel became great in captivity, Isaac flourish in the days of famine. (deut. 11vs 14)


 Then I will give you rain for your land in it season, the early rain and the later rain, that you may gather in your grain, your new wine and your oil



God promise to give us rain in due season, which means abundant of both spiritual and physical blessing, on the platform of adhering to the word of God and obeying the voice of God. (Deut 28 vs. 1—2, lev 26 vs. 4)




Deut 28 vs. 15, 23, 24.


“ But it shall come to pass, if you do not obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all his commandment and his statutes which I command, that all these curses will come upon you and overtake you.

“ and your heavens which are over your head shall be bronze, and earth under you shall iron.

“the Lord will change the rain of your land  to powder and dust; from  the heaven

it shall come down on you until you are destroyed.



This is exactly what is happening in the world today, the economy of powerful nation are collapsing, many are loosing their means of livelihood.

Even though the physical rain is causing havoc and great disaster, the heaven is close spiritually, the heart of people are far from their maker, Man has lost the direction.

Sometime ago the former president of America, George Bush alerted the Americans about the imminent danger of the collapse of their economy.


If every body is not on board to do something, the way out is spiritual awakening

It’s time to turn back to God, in a very genuine repentance and ready to follow instruction. 

 O lord, i know it is not within the power of man to map his life and plan his course (jeremiah 10:23) 

   I wept profusely recently when the lord told me that many leaders, especially spiritual leaders have lost their time of devotion to anxiety, pride and lust of the flesh.


If you are in this situation, it is time for you to return to the place of your altar and make an out cry to the living God to deliver you from decadence and dryness.


Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap in mercy, break your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the lord, till he comes and rains righteousness on you. (Hos 10 vs. 12)


I believe this is the due season when he will rain upon you and your family. You shall increase spiritually, physically, financially.


O lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. Jer.10: 23


Many times we are faced with the options of choice that are best for our lives, because the decision taken may be a blessing or a curse.

Therefore there is a need to seek the face of God for direction in order to make a right choice, since no man knows the future except it is revealed. There is no doubt that there is a divine plan for every man to succeed and triumph over challenges in life, but we have a responsibility to seek the way he will lead us to achieve our destiny. The reason for so many frustrated lives is not far fetched from the confusion that has eclipsed the world due to lack of direction.



But none saith, where God is my maker who giveth songs in the night teacheth us more than the beast of the earth and maketh us wiser than the fowls of the heaven. Job.35: 10-11


There are so many trial and errors that have led to suicide, because we refuse to seek the one that has the blue print.  Many are so full of themselves that they think they are wiser than God.

According to statistics, the rule of frustration and human induced disasters are too enormous.



The secret things belong unto the lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong unto us and our children for ever, that we may do all the words of the lord’’ deut. 29: 29


No man has the secret of successful and fruitful life in his /her hand. You can only access it through a consistent seeking of God’s mind or plan for your life.

That means our future is guaranteed by what is revealed from heaven.


    A young man came into my office one day for divine guidance from the lord; he was so much in haste to get married, I asked him a few question and prayed with him. And during my enquiry from the lord, I found out that he had not be sincere.

It was revealed to me that he had been engaged in trial and error rather than   sincerely seeking God’s face for direction.

After some time I learnt he was dating a lady and I enquired of him from if he was sure about her. I took it up before he lord and the lord told me he was on the wrong side. I advised him to break up the relationship, but he went ahead to get married to this lady. Eventually he found himself in trouble, the marriage collapsed and he had to pay for choosing his way.

To know a destination you have never been. It takes the one that knows ahead of every man.



Who went in the way before you, to search you out a place to pitch your tent in fire by night, to shew you by what way ye should go, and in the cloud by day. Deut.1: 33


Divine direction makes God to be committed to your safety. Examine your life and you will realise that setbacks and defeat you have experience are due to neglect of divine instructions



Just recently the Spirit of the Lord moved me to go for a retreat. We started this year on a very tough note. In fact, I have never experienced what I saw in my life and ministry of over 24 years of preaching and teaching the gospel of our Lord Jesus - anyway God is in perfect control.

Now you need to read these scriptures with me.

"You may as well know this too Timothy, that in the last days it is going to be very difficult to be a Christian. For people will love only themselves and their money: they will be proud and boastful, swearing at God, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful to them, and thoroughly bad". II Timothy 3:1-2 (Living Version)

Now don't be surprised! This is what the God of heaven asked me to tell you as a token of my communion with Him during my last special retreat. I don't need to tell you that we are in the last days and there is so much of fulfilment of prophecy.

But most of the time you think that such prophecies are meant for certain people - All these are manifesting in our lives, society, leadership, church youth and parents.

Beloved, it is getting more difficult to be Christ-like. In fact you need to check out yourself on a daily basis whether you are still a Christian or not. Don't you think that you care more about your life and the drive for money than the kingdom. Forget about the title you carry or your position. You know you are deteriorating. The passion to follow Him has disappeared. The lust for money and position has overtaken you. Pride and blasphemy is prominent in your action.

Moreover you wake up in the morning and what you see is the result of your wisdom. It becomes therefore unnecessary to give God the glory. That means you are unthankful to Him. Examine yourself now says the Spirit of the most high God and get rid of this stronghold. To be continued...

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The truth about relationships

The truth about relationships
Your relationship determines your destiny and your destiny determine your future. What you don't know, you cannot give. Get wisdom, get understanding as you join us in this life changing teachings on



Prophetic Praise 2009

Prophetic Praise 2009
Join us @ this year prophetic praise 2009, october 1st (thursday) 10.00 am in the morning @l Living Power Ministries, no 1 oshifila street anifowose ikeja lagos